Sand Dunes Chapter belongs to the Sun Region
of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, Inc.
Program Meetings
September through November and January through April
4th Sunday of the month
1:30 to 4:30 PM
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church
Religious Education Building, Room 1
1200 Valparaiso Boulevard in Niceville.
In May, August and December, special meetings are scheduled
on Saturday mornings and usually include brunch or lunch
Year Round
2nd Sunday of the month 1:30 to 4:30 PM
May through August
4th Sunday of the month 1:30 to 4:30 PM
Same location as program meetings
Annual Dues
$57 for primary members
$15 for plural members within Sun Region
$18 for plural members outside Sun Region
Dues provide local, regional and national membership privileges and benefits, including Seminars, Workshops, Correspondence courses, Master Craftsman and Extended study programs, the chapter newsletter “Chapter Chatter” and the quarterly national magazine “NeedleArts.”
For more information please contact:
Membership Chair – Nancy Reese
n4reese [at] cox [dot] net
President – Linda Anne Buehler
bear4lb [at] aol [dot] com