Sun Region, EGA
The Neapolitan Chapter maintains its own website at: www.embroiderynaples.org and an active Facebook Group .
During the “season”, our chapter meets at 9:30AM on the third Wednesday of the month for a short business meeting followed by a program of some kind — often a speaker, but sometimes a hands-on project. For information on General Meetings please go to their website – www.embroiderynaples.org or if that doesn’t work try https://sites.google.com/site/neapolitanega/ and look at the homepage information at the top of the page. There are no business meetings during the summer, but we continue to meet, just to stitch.
In addition, on the first and fourth Wednesdays we meet at various locations to stitch. When opportunities present themselves, we make stitching- related excursions as a group.The Chapter tries to offer classes by national teachers once or twice a year and supplements these with group correspondence courses or mini- classes offered by some of our more proficient members. The Chapter welcomes Stitchers at all levels- beginners to advanced.