Sun Region
Welcome to Sun Region. We are one of 12 regions of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America, Inc.. Sun Region is home to 14 chapters all of which are located in various areas of Florida. We’d like to encourage you to come and experience the joy of stitching in the sunshine either by joining a chapter or through the guild’s Member-At-Large program. We have stitchers of all levels of expertise and programs covering many techniques of stitching with a threaded needle.
Our 2024 Seminar — Racing to the Finish — was a resounding success! Check our Facebook page for pictures!
We’re already planning our 2025 event. We’re going to be
Making the Wish Come True!
at a weekend retreat in Orange Park, FL (south of Jacksonville). You can read about the event <HERE>
Visit our Facebook page, “Sun & Sea Embroiderers”

The mission of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America is to inspire passion for the needle arts through education and the celebration of its heritage
Chapter Notebook
Resources and forms for chapter administration
Ways and Means
Support Sun Region through our Ways and Means merchandise
Educational Opportunities
Open enrollment for GCCs & workshops